The Evolution of Media Treatment of Celebrities Throughout History

Celebrities are an unavoidable part of modern life. From the earliest days of the silver screen, celebrities have been used to captivate and entertain us. Throughout the history of media, the way celebrities have been treated has changed substantially. Nowadays, some people even become celebrities by making adverts for the Australian online casino.

In the early days of the 20th century, film stars were often glorified in the press, with magazines devoted entirely to their exploits. The public was fascinated by the lives of these glamorous figures, with the press often exaggerating their stories. In addition, the public was enthralled by their seemingly materialistic lifestyles, with reports of the latest fashions and parties. However, this type of coverage was often criticized as being sensationalistic and lacking in substance.

In the 1950s, television began to take prominence in popular culture. This new medium allowed celebrities to be presented in a more intimate way. Television shows such as The Ed Sullivan Show and The Tonight Show gave stars the opportunity to present themselves in a more natural way, engaging in conversations with their hosts. This allowed for a more meaningful connection between celebrities and the public, as well as a more nuanced view of their lives.

The emergence of reality television in the 1980s and 1990s saw a new type of media coverage of celebrities. Reality TV allowed the public to see celebrities in their own homes, in their own lives. This type of coverage often revealed a much more personal side to the stars, as well as allowing for more open discussions about their lifestyles and personal experiences. The public was able to see the stars in a much more humanizing way.


In the 2000s, the internet began to take prominence as the main platform for media coverage of celebrities. Social media allows celebrities to take control of their own image, presenting themselves in the way they want to be seen. This gave celebrities a much greater degree of control over their public persona, shifting away from the traditional sensationalistic coverage of their lives.

The rise of digital media has also allowed for a much greater degree of scrutiny of celebrities. In the past, it was much easier for celebrities to avoid criticism and scrutiny, but now with the internet, any misstep or slip-up is quickly amplified and spread. This has caused many celebrities to be more careful with their public image, as well as more aware of the power of the media.


The past decade has seen the rise of a new type of celebrity, the influencer. Influencers are social media personalities who have amassed large followings on platforms such as YouTube, Instagram, and TikTok. They are often seen as more relatable than traditional celebrities, often giving advice on lifestyle and fashion. Unlike traditional celebrities, influencers often have much more control over their public image, presenting themselves the way they want to be seen. Influencers have become a powerful force in the media world, and their influence will likely continue to grow in the coming years.

The media coverage of celebrities has come a long way since the early 20th century. From being glorified and sensationalized to being humanized and scrutinized, the way celebrities are treated evolved significantly. The public now has a much more nuanced view of celebrities and their lives, as well as a greater degree of control over how they present themselves to the world.