Why Heating With Wood?

Whether in main heating or auxiliary heating, a fireplace or a wood stove has many advantages in your home, like feeling comfortable while playing on Hellspin. But apart from that, what are the other benefits?

Wood Heating Allows You to Make Savings

Wood is the cheapest fuel in the energy market. It is far behind fuel oil, natural gas, propane, and electricity. It exists in different forms: raw in logs or transformed into small cylinders called pellets or granules.

Be careful, though, this fuel is less expensive, but wood-fired installations require a larger budget than oil-fired ones, among others. It is, therefore, the whole operation that you must estimate before the purchase to know whether or not you are saving money.

Take into consideration that the wood stove is generally amortized over 10 years, that this system remains less polluting than the others and that it can be financed in part by the help of the Anah (national housing agency). All of these points can be game-changing.

Wood Heating Gives You Well-Being

Imagine yourself in your living room, sitting at dawn by the fireplace with a good cup of coffee. The flames dance just for you behind the glass and give you instant well-being. How lucky to be able to make this moment yours before another day at work! This moment in this bubble of comfort, you can enjoy it every morning. Then think of your colleagues who are certainly already in a rush and under stress.

Now imagine yourself in that same living room on Friday night. The family gathers around the dancing flames to admire this magical spectacle. It’s time to recharge those batteries and release all tension. The fire gives you an experience in its own right: the smell of the forest and the gentle sound of crackling. All the ingredients are there to create unforgettable memories and strengthen your ties.

Wood Heating Has a Neutral Carbon Footprint

A decree relating to ” the implementation of the revised atmosphere protection plan ” of 2013 aimed to prohibit the burning of wood by any means in Île-de-France. The target: the emission of particles generated by open hearths as well as the consequent heat losses. In the end, this text never came into force because the restrictions imposed were disproportionate.

Over the past 10 years, closed hearth wood heating systems have multiplied and improved. In fact, seven times fewer particles are produced than with a chimney. Also, the energy efficiency is excellent: it reaches the threshold of 80 to 95% performance, depending on the model.

Why Heating With Wood?

ADEME (environment and energy management agency) rewarded the energy and environmental performance of these facilities with the creation of the green flame label. The State has also set up a tax credit with the aim of encouraging the development of this sector. With this help, households can more easily invest in renewable energies in line with their values. This is for a more accessible final cost.

Why is this method of heating considered the least polluting of all? Well, because the environmental balance of the chemical reaction is neutral. Indeed, the carbon dioxide (CO2) released by the log remains the same as that absorbed during the life of the tree. In addition, forests exploited to produce firewood consume much more CO2 than the amount generated during combustion. This justifies the place of wood among renewable energies.

Wood Heating Gives You Autonomy

These installations produce heat very quickly and continue to diffuse it for a long time, even after the fire has gone out. This restitution will take place more or less slowly, depending on the coating you have chosen for your stove.

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Heating with wood also allows autonomy with regard to refueling. Depending on the model chosen, you will operate less handling:

– one every 7 hours for a log stove;

– one every one to two months for a pellet or pellet stove.

No more constant back and forth to feed your fire. You can also control the heat released by limiting the amount of fuel in the fireplace and adjusting the air intake.

Heating with wood thus provides many advantages: well-being, reduced costs, very good environmental and energy efficiency, and autonomy. Think about it to improve your quality of life!